Heaven Can Wait Senior Dog Sanctuary, Inc.
is located in the Northwest suburbs of Chicago

    Sanctuary openings are not limited to Illinois nor are our volunteers. Openings are on a space available basis as well as consideration of the specific needs of each animal we take into our program. HCW is a homebased sanctuary organization meaning we have no formal facility but a network of individuals who willingly open their homes to offer permanent sanctuary love, care and respect to special needs animals, including hospice dogs and especially the most overlooked, the population of senior and disabled dogs. These are usually the very first to be euthanized in animal shelters across the country. We also will work and network with private homes as well as with animal shelters and organizations.













    Our efforts and purposes are to provide whatever they need—including medical care by our sanctuary veterinarian, special food, cozy dog beds, daily in-home care for a safe, comfortable and happy remaining life.  We are with them till they cross over the rainbow bridge. We welcome volunteer sanctuary homes who can match our organization's goals and values giving to these wonderful animals. If you are unable to offer hands-on help, please consider donating using the button below. One hundred percent of all donations go to help these deserving wonderful senior souls.

Make a Donation

Your contribution can make a significant difference by helping to provide essential care.

© Copyright Heaven Can Wait Senior Dog Sanctuary, Inc. All Rights Reserved
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Become a Sanctuary Dog Guardian

      Become a sanctuary dog guardian. We receive many more requests to accept abandoned or displaced dogs than we have space available. We therefore always need volunteer homes for an indefinite period of time or on a short-term basis or until room for them becomes available at our sanctuary.














      Guardians provide dogs with food, appropriate exercise, and plenty of love. Medical care is arranged. In some instances, a volunteer may need to administer medications or special diets, and transport dog(s) to scheduled medical appointments. In some cases guardian homes may become permanent sanctuary homes. If you are considering becoming a guardian home please contact us and request that an application be emailed to you. Seniors, we need you! Age is not a barrier.



Gladys - English Bulldog
Sunny - King Shepherd
Seymour - Miniature Schnauzer (blind and deaf)
Contact US
Honey - Golden Retriever
Cora Scottish Deerhound
Candy Golden Retriever
Can't adopt, but want to share your home and love with a sanctuary dog?
Gladys came to our program straight from a breeder rather than being sent to a dog auction. We intercepted her and as a senior she would have had little chance of surviving as a breeder. She was the most gentle sweet dog one could ever imagine. Her outstanding calm nature made her beloved by everyone. Her only arch enemy was a lawnmower that made lots of noise and always tried to move. She would have none of it!

Our Stories

Honey came into our program from an animal control. She was a stray and a senior which is often a direct path to being destroyed. She was unwilling to move a great deal and it was discovered she had cancer and became an HCW hospice dog. She gained confidence and strength and was an example of how medical needs dogs can have wonderful quality of life and eventually a peaceful passing in the lap of a loving sanctuary volunteer. Honey was a gift to all who met her.

Seymour became homeless when his owner died. He was blind and deaf. He came to our sanctuary program after being rejected by other organizations who felt he could not be saved. Seymour was alone for weeks in his deceased owners home being fed by a compassionate neighbor. He came to us riddled with hook worms, whip worms, and untreated ear infections so extreme he had previously lost his hearing. Once he recovered he embodied wonderful schnauzer beauty and spirit. Who couldn't love this handsome gentleman?

Heaven Can Wait Senior Dog Sanctuary